Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 12 - Team Aidan!

Aidan sleeping with Mommy's socks on
 Today Aidan had his daily chest X-rays and his lungs look healthy. 

Yesterday they reduced the vent from 35 to 25, he responded well.  Today, however, when they tried to reduce to 20 today his BP went up. The idea is that they will reduce the assistance to his lungs and he'll take over from there.  So, while he intermittently over road the vent they didn't want to push it so they went back to 25.

He continues to have movements.  His left arm is intermittently moving, he is moving his tongue in and out.  He can also pucker his lips and does so when RT suctions excess fluids out of his mouth.  He is frustrated and agitated, he crys because he cannot communicate or move the way he is used to. 

He has opened his eyes about 1/2 way - we continue to pray for that to increase.

His neuro exam today showed he did have reflexes in his arms (didn't have any yesterday), but not his legs.  This is natural and expected that he regains his upper body movement first then his brain will send signals and the lower extremities will regain movement.  So we are optimistic that it will all come back. 

Today Kim asked 'do you love your mommy?' He nodded 'yes'.

PT has given him different boots for his feet.  This is to prevent a foot drop and to keep heels from rubbing on bed.

Also, they are moving him to a different type of bed to automatically rotate him vs. manually doing it every 2 hours.

RT is performed by the bed now to help expectorate the secretions in his lungs as opposed to manually performing CPT. 

For the time being we are not continuing the plasmapheresis, the MDs want to measure his changes and continue the next course of action from there.  Essentially they want his body to do the work.

Thank you for all your calls, letters/cards, emails, texts, visits and gift baskets.  Every thought and prayer are appreciated. 

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