Thursday, September 30, 2010

Aidan was transferred to Children's Specialized Hospital

Aidan's true feelings about GBS!  He's gonna kick it!
It's a big day for Aidan!  He was transferred via ambulance this morning, in a monsoon to Children's Specialized Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ. 

Children's Specialized Hospital (CSH) is the preeminent provider of rehabilitation for children who are affected by the most rare and severe ailments.  CHS is the largest free standing pediatric rehabilitation hospital in the United States.  For the last 119 years, CSH has treated children with brain injury, spinal cord dysfunction and injury, premature birth, autism, developmental delays, and life changing illnesses.  If you'd like to learn more please visit their site

We are so grateful for the leaps and bounds he's taken this week.  He has been enjoying videos, Wii and ice pops; which Mom helps him hold.  He wants to stay in his wheelchair and doesn't want to be in bed.  Aidan was an active 5 year old before, so he is frustrated that his legs aren't working and his arms are weak.  But, he is alert and happy to see visitors.  He's given Mom and Dad lots of kisses and tells them how much he loves them. 

Keep your prayers coming, they're definitely helping our little Angel. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Aidan! I'm so happy and proud to see what an amazing job you're doing at childrens! Thank you very much for my card :) I'll def be checking in to see how you're doing. Keep up the strong work! All the best, Dana (your PICU night nurse)
