Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Truly a time to say thank you to all of you! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wow, what a fabulous night at the Elks Club on Saturday Nov 13th. I was blown away by the support in attendence- over 200 of you- "Aidan's Angels" showed up to enjoy an evening filled with terrific music, great food, awesome auction and raffle items and undeniable love and support of you all! These last few months the support that we have received has been phenomenal. We have had outreach from neighbors, family, friends, school friends, clients, work friends, the church, chamber friends, tball teams,  friends of friends, strangers, classmates and many more. I had the Randolph bus drivers come up to me at the benefit and introduce themselves. They said they heard about our story from someone at the dog pound. I don't even know who there knew or how. Unbelivable!!The Randolph reporter ran an article on Nov 11th about Aidan's story. I will post the link next time. My friend Pete Mauro was kind enough to photograph the evening and I will also post those pictures shortly so check back.

My cousin Jenny had the idea to host such an event on day 2 of ICU. If it wasn't for Jenny's vision this night wouldn't have happened. The Elks so generously donated the facility and my sister Carolyn worked tirelessly on the auction and raffle. My brother Scott got the food donated by his friend Ed Meyer at Sysco Foods and Scott hosted the cooking facility at Mineral Springs Resort and Spa for us( sister Taylor, Scott, friend Everton and myself )  to cook for you. The list goes on and on and hopefully you received our brochure when you checked in at the event with a complete listing of all of our angels. Thank you again to EVERYONE who helped and thank you to you for coming. It meant the world to us. Your prayers were heard and Aidan is on the way up and will soon be back to his normal self.

Aidan started school November 15th and had a challenging week. Remember this has been the longest summer of his life- 5 months. It will take some time to adjust but I know his strength and determination will persevere. He is frustrated with his inability to be running around with the other kids and I think his attention span is a little off considering he hasn't had this kind of time structure in a long time. It's getting better but not with out tears and some negative thoughts. He has had his physical therapy and occupational therapy evaluations and he'll be going to PT 2 x a week and OT 1 x a week for a while. He is encouraged to walk without the walker! We are busy advocating for the resources he needs and is entitled to with the school system. Budgets- Budgets. It appears Aidan is entitled to help within school hours for some PT, OT and likely tutoring. We are awaiting a response requesting a formal evaluation by the school. Pray they do the right thing and give Aidan all he needs to continue accelerate his recovery.

This Thanksgiving more than ever we are grateful for our health, love that surrounds us and our terrific support system. No one can do this on their own. I know this all too well! I am extremely motivated by our experience to pay it forward and help others in their time of need. So my dream to start a foundation for families in transition will soon be a reality. I have recieved advice and support from chamber friends in the area of tax and  legal documentaion preparation. The "foundation" is in the works. We're working on the details one of which is the name. "Aidan's Angels" is taken so we'll likely add another word to the title. Stay tuned for details as they unfold.

We wish you and your loved ones a blessed Thanksgiving! Love to all of you!! Thanks again!!!!


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